Sarah Gibson
As the Design Principal at UIC, I have designed and built everything from a small renovation to a neighborhood – and I enjoy working at all of these scales. One might say I get a little too excited about selecting cabinet hardware and a beautiful plumbing fixtures, but I am equally enthusiastic about the prospect of engineering a beautiful / sustainable/ functional workplace, home, climbing gym… or envisioning an urban framework for a square mile of the city. Each of these design problems requires vision through a creative lens in order to imagine not just beautiful spaces, but how they will be built, how they will age, and how they will be funded. These multi-scaled and multi-faceted problems make my heart go pitter-patter – as do my three multi-scaled and multi-faceted daughters who test the elasticity of my creativity daily. See…everything is a design problem!
Additional to these passions, I suppose I should also mention that I would not be so excited about design had I not had the amazing opportunities to explore the Western Hemisphere with my partner, Brent, and had the chance to work with some great architects at The Office For Metropolitan Architecture in the Netherlands, The Polshek Partnership in New York, and The HOK Planning Group (St. Louis). I also teach graduate and undergraduate design studios at Washington University in St. Louis.